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Top 10 Ways of Fighting Addiction Cravings

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Top 10 Ways of Fighting Addiction Cravings

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Cravings are Normal: Experiencing cravings is a natural part of addiction recovery.
  • Simple Strategies Can Help: These 10 practical tips can help you manage cravings and stay focused on your journey to long-term sobriety.
  • Virtue Recovery Killeen Offers Support: Our addiction treatment programs provide the tools you need to fight cravings and build a healthier future.



Cravings are one of the most challenging aspects of the recovery process of addiction. It doesn’t matter if you are new to the program or have been sober for some time; the temptation to go back to the previous lifestyle is always there. The good news is that cravings do not have to be the end of the line for your recovery. It is possible to control the cravings and maintain sobriety in the long run with the help of some tips. In this article, we will discuss 10 tips on overcoming the desire to use and regain control over the recovery process.

Stay Busy and Distract Yourself

When a craving hits, one of the best things you can do is keep yourself busy. Whether going for a walk, picking up a hobby, or doing household chores, staying active can help distract you from the craving. Distractions give you something else to focus on instead of the urge to use substances.

Why It Works: This way, your mind and body are occupied, and you have no time to think about using substances. Even such basic tasks as reading, cleaning, or calling friends and relatives can help a lot.

Practice Deep Breathing

Cravings can cause you to become anxious or stressed. Taking slow and deep breaths is recommended to relax the mind and body. You can also try to control your breathing by taking slow, deep breaths through your nose for four seconds and out through your mouth for four seconds. This technique can lessen the strength of the craving and make you feel that you are in charge of the situation.

Why It Works: It helps reduce stress and brings your attention to the present moment, which will help you avoid cravings.

Reach Out to Support

Recovery is not something that you have to face all by yourself. When the urge is high, calling someone who can help is better. This may be a sponsor, a friend, or a therapist. Calling someone can also assist you in overcoming the urge and remind you why you are in the recovery process.

Why It Works: It helps to express oneself and find comfort and support through someone to listen to.

Remind Yourself of Your Goals

When the urge to use comes, one should take time to reflect on the reasons that made him or her decide to go for addiction treatment. Consider how much progress you have made, the improvements you have made, and the future you are creating. It is essential to always have long-term goals in mind so that one does not succumb to the temptation of using.

Why It Works: It helps you concentrate on the positive changes you want to see in your life, and thus, you will be determined to stay sober.

Avoid Triggers

Stimuli, that is, people, places, or things associated with substance use, usually cause cravings. It is crucial to know what causes you to act in such a way and try not to be in such situations as much as possible. Avoiding specific environments or social conditions that lead to cravings is possible, thus minimizing the risk of giving in to them.

Why It Works: When you avoid triggers, you will not be quickly provoked to use substances, and therefore, you can stay away from them.

Drink Water or Have a Healthy Snack

Cravings are, at times, mistaken for hunger or even thirst. You can take a glass of water or a piece of fruit to divert your body’s attention from the craving and also to get some energy. Some of the examples include fruits, nuts, and yogurt.

Why It Works: Eating healthy foods and drinking water will also help lessen the severity of cravings and make you feel more in control.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity is a great way to fight cravings. Exercise releases endorphins, natural chemicals that improve your mood and help reduce stress. Whether you walk, run, or do yoga, regular exercise can help you manage your cravings and overall mental health.

Why It Works: Exercise helps divert your attention from cravings, improves mood, and reduces anxiety, making you feel better physically and mentally.

Try Mindfulness or Meditation

You can try practicing mindfulness or meditation to control your thoughts and not get carried away when craving something. Mindfulness helps you acknowledge cravings without necessarily yielding to them. Do not give in to the urge; concentrate on your breathing and body’s feelings. This means that through practicing mindfulness, you can minimize the effects of cravings.

Why It Works: Mindfulness enables you to observe cravings without passing judgment on them, making it easier to ignore them.

Make a List of Pros and Cons

When a craving feels overwhelming, make a list of the pros and cons of using substances versus staying sober. On one side, list the reasons you want to stay sober and the benefits you’ve gained from your addiction recovery. On the other side, list the negative consequences of using again. This list can help you remember why you want to stay committed to your recovery.

Why It Works: Comparing the positive outcomes of not using substances to the negative outcomes of using substances can help you to remain sober.

Seek Professional Help

If you are having a difficult time dealing with cravings on your own, then it may be best to consult with a professional. Rehab centers provide the necessary tools to keep you on track and focused on recovery. It is also possible to learn more tools and techniques on how to deal with the urges and avoid falling back into substance use.

Why It Works: It is a way of getting individualized plans for dealing with urges, and it also assists in maintaining abstinence in the long run.


Cravings are normal in recovery but do not have to run your life. These are the ten strategies that can help you control cravings and keep you on track with your addiction recovery plan. There are many things that one can do to avoid cravings and ensure that one can maintain sobriety in the long run, including keeping busy, practicing mindfulness, and seeking help.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, don’t hesitate to get help. Call Virtue Recovery Killeen at 866-843-0545 for professional addiction treatment and support in your recovery journey.

FAQs About Addiction Cravings

What are addiction cravings?

Cravings are intense desires to use substances that are experienced during the process of withdrawal from substances. They are a common feature of recovery but they can be controlled with the help of certain measures.

How can I stop cravings during recovery?

You can stop cravings by staying busy, practicing deep breathing, reaching out for support, and using other healthy coping strategies, such as exercise or mindfulness.

What should I do when I feel a craving coming on?

If you get a craving, try to do something else, take a few breaths, or call someone to help you with your feelings.

How does exercise help with addiction recovery?

Endorphins are released during exercise, helping improve mood and lessen the desire for food. Exercise can also reduce stress and anxiety, making you feel better.

How can Virtue Recovery Killeen help with fighting cravings?

Virtue Recovery Killeen offers addiction treatment services that include counseling and support to assist in the control of urges and maintain abstinence.





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