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What Is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)?

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What Are Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms PAWS

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Key Takeaways

  • What is PAWS? Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome happens after the initial withdrawal period from drugs or alcohol.
  • Common Symptoms of PAWS: Symptoms include mood swings, trouble sleeping, and feeling tired.
  • Why PAWS Happens: PAWS occurs because the brain is still healing even after the person stops using substances.
  • How Addiction Treatment Can Help: Therapy and support can help manage PAWS during recovery.
  • Virtue Recovery Killeen Can Help: Virtue Recovery Killeen offers support and treatment to help manage PAWS and addiction recovery.


When a person decides to quit drugs or alcohol, his or her body and mind require some time to recover. However, there is another stage known as Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS), which may occur after the first phase of withdrawal. PAWS can take weeks or even months to subside even after the person has ceased using substances. This stage of withdrawal can cause feelings and symptoms that make it challenging to stick to the plan of recovery. People in recovery must know about PAWS, and having the proper support from a rehab center like Virtue Recovery Killeen can help a lot.

What Are Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS)?

PAWS, or Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, are the symptoms that occur after the initial detoxification or the withdrawal from drugs or alcohol. Although a person may be through with the first stage of withdrawal, the brain and the body may still require some more time to heal. It is possible to feel that the process of getting better is complex even after one has decided to stop using substances with the help of PAWS.

PAWS affects the body and the mind, and the symptoms can come and go. Sometimes, these symptoms can make a person feel like they’re back at the beginning of their recovery, even though they have already gone through the most challenging part of withdrawal.

Common Symptoms of PAWS

People who experience PAWS can have a variety of symptoms. These symptoms can change daily; some days may feel more challenging than others. Here are some of the common symptoms of PAWS:

  • Mood Swings: A person may feel very happy and sad the next. This can make it hard to stay positive during recovery.
  • Anxiety: Many people feel worried or anxious without knowing why. This can make everyday tasks feel overwhelming.
  • Irritability: Small things may bother the person much more than usual, leading to frustration and anger.
  • Fatigue: Feeling tired all the time is common during PAWS, even if the person is getting enough rest.
  • Trouble Sleeping: Some people have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep, which can add to feelings of fatigue.
  • Difficulty Concentrating: PAWS can make it hard to focus or remember things, making it difficult to complete tasks.

These symptoms can make recovery seem complicated, but with the proper addiction treatment, people can cope with PAWS and keep on going.

Why PAWS Happens

PAWS occurs because the brain is rewired when a person is addicted. When a person takes drugs or alcohol, the brain becomes accustomed to working in this manner. Once you stop, the brain takes some time to get used to the fact that it is no longer required to use the devices. This is because the body takes time to heal, and this is why people still get symptoms even after they have gone through the withdrawal process.

While the body may feel better after detox, the brain works hard to find balance. This is why PAWS can last for weeks or months and why getting help during this time is essential.

How Addiction Treatment Can Help with PAWS

Dealing with PAWS on your own can be very difficult. That’s why addiction treatment is so crucial during this stage of recovery. Treatment programs offer therapy, counseling, and support to help manage PAWS and the emotions that come with it.

Therapy assists people in identifying their emotions and how they can positively manage them. Support groups are also helpful in allowing people to tell their stories and get encouragement from others in the same situation. It is essential to remain in contact with a treatment program to help maintain sobriety and deal with the fluctuations of PAWS.

Virtue Recovery Killeen Provides Professional Support for PAWS

At Virtue Recovery Killeen, we know how challenging PAWS can be during recovery. That’s why we offer professional addiction treatment programs designed to help people manage the symptoms of PAWS and stay focused on their recovery goals. Our personalized treatment plans include therapy, counseling, and support groups that give individuals the tools they need to overcome both the physical and emotional symptoms of withdrawal.

Our team at Virtue Recovery Killeen works with each person to create a treatment plan that fits their needs, helping them manage PAWS and continue building a healthy life in recovery.


Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) can make the road to recovery feel challenging, but understanding what PAWS is and why it happens is the first step toward overcoming it. PAWS is a normal part of the healing process, and with the proper support, it can be managed.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and experiencing PAWS, call Virtue Recovery Killeen at 866-843-0545 to learn how our addiction treatment programs can help you through every stage of recovery.


What are Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)?

PAWS are the symptoms that happen after the initial withdrawal from drugs or alcohol. They include mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, and trouble sleeping.

How long do PAWS last?

PAWS can last for weeks or months after the person has stopped using substances. The symptoms can come and go during this time.

What are the common symptoms of PAWS?

Some of the symptoms include mood swings, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating.

How can addiction treatment help with PAWS?

PAWS can be treated in addiction treatment through therapy, counseling, and support groups to help the patients on how to deal with the symptoms and not relapse.

How does Virtue Recovery Killeen support people dealing with PAWS?

Virtue Recovery Killeen has specific treatment plans for each client that include counseling and support to help the client deal with PAWS and other aspects of recovery.






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