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How Steroids Affect Mental Health

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How Steroids Affect Mental Health

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Key Takeaways

  • Steroid Abuse and Mental Health: Using steroids can lead to serious mental health problems like depression, aggression, and anxiety.
  • Short-Term Effects on Mental Health: People who abuse steroids may experience mood swings, irritability, and trouble sleeping.
  • Long-Term Mental Health Risks: Over time, steroid abuse can cause lasting issues such as paranoia, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.
  • Virtue Recovery Killeen Offers Support: Virtue Recovery Killeen provides help for people struggling with steroid abuse and mental health problems through professional therapy and counseling.


Steroids are popular among athletes for muscle enhancement and performance enhancement, but they are deadly to your mind and body. Steroid abuse is not only a threat to the physical well-being of an individual but also to his or her psychological well-being. From mood swings to depression, the mental side of steroids is very serious and can be long-term. At Virtue Recovery Killeen, we assist individuals who are having issues with the abuse of steroids to ensure that they receive the required attention and assistance that they need to heal from the physical and psychological effects.

Short-Term Effects of Steroid Abuse on Mental Health

When someone starts abusing steroids, the mental health effects can show up quickly. These are some of the short-term effects of steroid abuse on mental health:

  • Mood Swings: Steroid abuse can cause rapid mood changes. One moment, someone might feel on top of the world, and the next, they may feel angry or irritated for no clear reason.
  • Anxiety and Irritability: Steroids can cause people to become more stressed or anxious, and this is why people can feel stressed or anxious without any apparent reason.
  • Trouble Sleeping: Steroids can also affect normal sleep cycles and lead to sleeplessness or poor-quality sleep, which can also worsen a person’s mental health.
  • Aggression (“Roid Rage”): Another side effect of steroids is the so-called roid rage, where people become more aggressive and angry than usual. This can lead to arguments, fights, or even violence as people get increasingly worked up.

These short-term effects can be intense, and they may push people to use more steroids to manage their feelings. But continuing to use steroids can lead to even more severe mental health problems down the road.

Long-Term Mental Health Risks of Steroid Abuse

The longer the period of anabolic steroid use, the higher the risk of having permanent mental disorders. Steroid use affects the brain, and this can cause problems even after the user has stopped using the drug.

Here are some of the long-term mental health risks of steroid abuse:

  • Depression: When a steroid user ceases using the drug, they may become very depressed. At times, this may result in having suicidal thoughts or even engaging in suicidal activities. Low moods are also experienced after the high that is brought about by the use of steroids.
  • Paranoia: Some people may experience paranoia, which is a state of mind where one feels that everyone is against him or her or that one cannot trust anyone, even when there is no reason to feel so.
  • Extreme Mood Changes: Over time, people who abuse steroids can experience more extreme changes in mood. They may feel thrilled and energetic one day, then deeply sad or angry the next.
  • Cognitive Issues: Some of the side effects of steroid use include difficulty in thinking and memory loss. Long-term abuse can lead to loss of focus, memory, and impaired judgment.

These long-term effects can affect an individual’s daily life and make it difficult for him or her to work, have relationships, or even carry out normal activities.

How Steroid Abuse Affects Your Emotions

The worst side of steroid use is how it alters the mood and behavior of the user in a very negative way. Steroids are not only for the body but also for the mind; this is where the emotional problems come in. Here’s how steroid abuse can impact emotions:

  • Aggression and Anger: Steroids can cause people to become more aggressive and have difficulty managing their temper. This can result in conflicts with family or friends, screaming at a workplace, or even physical confrontation.
  • Mood Swings: People who abuse steroids may find their emotions all over the place. They might feel confident and assertive one minute, then suddenly sad or irritable the next.
  • Feeling Unstoppable: Steroids also make some people feel like they are immortal, and this makes them engage in dangerous activities, such as fighting or making impulsive decisions.

These mood swings are not healthy for a person in the long run and may lead to other mental disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal.

How Virtue Recovery Killeen Can Help

At Virtue Recovery Killeen, we understand how difficult it can be to break free from steroid abuse and deal with the mental health challenges that come with it. That’s why we offer personalized treatment plans to help people recover physically and mentally. Our treatment programs include:

  • Therapy and Counseling: Our trained therapists assist individuals in identifying the reasons for using steroids and then address any psychological problems. Some of the methods we employ include CBT to assist people in regulating their feelings and learning how to deal with stress more constructively.
  • Medical Support: We offer medical treatment to help those who have side effects of steroids get back to normal. We assist in managing withdrawal symptoms and the patient’s general health during treatment.
  • Group Support: It is always comforting to find people in the same boat as you, which can be very useful. We also provide group therapy where individuals can meet other people, discuss their problems, and gain encouragement from others.
  • Long-Term Recovery: It is a process, and we are here to help you even after you complete treatment. Our aftercare services ensure that people do not fall back into substance use while they work on establishing a new way of life.

Our goal is to help people recover from steroid abuse and regain control of their mental health so they can lead healthier, happier lives.


Steroid use can also hurt your psychological well-being. It may lead to such symptoms as mood swings, irritability, and aggression, as well as long-term consequences such as depression and paranoia. If you or someone you know is abusing steroids, then it is high time to look for help. At Virtue Recovery Killeen, we provide comprehensive treatment services that help in the treatment of the physical and psychological aspects of steroid use.

If you are willing to get help, contact Virtue Recovery Killeen at 866-843-0545 to get more information about our individualized programs and how we can assist you in the process of overcoming the problem of steroid use and improving your mental health.


What are the mental health effects of steroid abuse?

Steroids can make you irritable, aggressive, and anxious, and in the long run, it can lead to depression and even paranoia.

Can steroids cause depression or anxiety?

Yes, steroid abuse can cause depression, anxiety, and other emotional problems, and this is more so when the user decides to stop using the drug.

What is “roid rage”?

Roid rage is a term used to describe the aggressive behavior that is exhibited by some people when they are using steroids. It can cause aggression and anger and can lead to physical and verbal aggression.

How can I get help for steroid abuse and mental health issues?

You can get help from a treatment center such as Virtue Recovery Killeen, which is a therapy, counseling, and medical support for steroid abuse and mental health disorders.

What treatment does Virtue Recovery Killeen offer for steroid abuse?

Virtue Recovery Killeen provides individualized treatment plans, such as individual and group counseling, medical management, and long-term recovery programs for people who have abused steroids.






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